Arthur C. Clarke 1917-2008
Sir Arthur C. Clarke was a British science fiction author, inventor, and futurist, most famous for the novel 2001: A Space Odyssey, written in collaboration with director Stanley Kubrick, a collaboration which led also to the film of the same name.
My personal Science Fiction hero. I was totally devastated when I heard about his death (from Nick of course). I mean the guy invented the satellite for God's sake, how cool is that.
It is hard to believe that I will be living in world without Arthur C. Clarke anymore. He is my favorite author of all time and the screenwriter of one of the greatest films ever made. I hope that with the passing years his legacy only grows to greater heights and that film producers will finally grow up and make many more film adaptations of his wonderful novels. His injection of true to fact science and humanity are what made his novels such enjoyable reads that stuck with you long after the book was over.
The thing separates his stories from other Science Fiction writers of his time(or any time for that matter), was the sadness and longing that accompanied his stories. He always wrote stories that took place in the future, but he always managed to make you long for that time as if it was in the past. He will be greatly missed by myself and many more fans of truly great science fiction.
Recognize! Well put Lickolas.
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