Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fantasy Fantasy Death #65: Doozer #1

Doozer #1 2008-2009
Team: Pop Superstar Hannah Montana and Barack Obama's "Best of Both Worlds" Touring Battalion of Commandos
Final Death: Season 2 Playoffs National League Finals
Final Killer: Cthulhu


Lickolas said...

You will be dearly missed by your fellow teammates and I. You will never know how truly important you were to all of us on the Commandos. It is a fitting tribute to you that it took such a mighty creature to take you down once and for all.

-President Barack Obama

Artifact said...

Doozer #1 kinda looks like Ella. If Ella wore a hard hat.

Artifact said...

...and a beard.


Josh the Commish said...

I see the resemblance. They are both amazingly cute.